Back to the City
Ein Road Movie für unterwegs
City bus »Hübbelbummler« / 100 m barrier tape red & white
Urban material research / Photogallery / Audioguide
Install view:
KunstKörper / Siegen art day / Siegen-City / 2013

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Fur, glass, paint, hands, cobblestones, stainless steel, plastic, iron, dandelions
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Foil, wood, slate, plastic, dove, iron, ivy, bricks, moss, stainless steel, stone, water
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Water, asphalt, kiss, stones, paper, wood, pansy, sand, glass, plastic, sandstone, dandelion
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Iron, concrete, gold, sheet metal, water, roughcast, slate, marble, bronze, foot, plastic
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Iron, glass, slate, stainless steel, tin, wood, cigarettes, paint, sand, paving stones, iron, excavator, plastic
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Sheet metal, foil, concrete, iron, wood, plaster, stone, glass, rust, bronze, pansy
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Glass, concrete, wood, sheet metal, paving stones, foil, asphalt, plastic, daisies, sand, water, bricks, clinker, fabric, paint
Paperprint / 26 x 32 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Pine needles, excavator, caution tape, wood, stainless steel, paving stones, daisies, concrete, grass, sheet metal, slate, bronze
Paperprint / 23 x 31 cm

Back to the City
Photographic material collage
Paper, iron, excavator, plastic, wood, glass, water, pebbles, paint, brass, concrete, plaster, tin, dandelions
Paperprint / 27 x 36 cm