Ensemble quartet

Base with MDF bords / 4 objects
66 x 27 / 56 x 59 / 72 x 18 / 80 x 22 cm
Sun of Jamaica / mixed media on canvas
80 x 100 cm

Ensemble treasury

Chipbords base / 4 objects
70 x 58 / 73 x 17 / 75 x 15 / 77 x 36 cm
CODE / mixed media on canvas
80 x 100 cm

Ensemble blue towers

Disposable pallet / 5 objects
62 x 30 / 62 x 32 / 85 x 25 / 68 x 28 / 62 x 26 cm
pattern I & II / mixed media on canvas
60 x 80 cm each

Time is going on

Galerie DreiGiebelHaus
KUK Kunstverein Xanten e.V.

Who is sitting in the glass house?

Spatial image
59 objects / mixed media,  scaffolding
Showcase 3,1 x 12,15 x 1,20 m
szenenwechsel XXXVIII
Kulturbahnhof Kreuztal


Portraits of things
Photographs series 8/63
90 x 60 cm each

2X3 compression

Spatial image
Vacancy Marienschule
Kunstwechsel 2015, Siegen

in flagranti

Spatial images
Vacancy Sauna in Löhrtor swimming pool
KunstSommer, Siegen

Photography: Carsten Schmale, Andrea Freiberg


Work in progress
Found objects, ceramic, porcelain, glass, metal, plastic, cardboard, newsprint, power glue, paste, UV protection
House pool, Leimbachstraße 89, Siegen


Stop-motion movie / 8:30 min

Video: Stephan Schopp
Composition, music: Christian Ernst
Installation, performance & editing: Andrea Freiberg