Ich gehe in meinen Garten
ROUTE SKETCH installation
Install view:
Aller Anfang / ASK e.V. /Gallery Haus Seel / Siegen / 2010

Waystone / Slate
Suitcase with memories
Watercolor painting / Native poem
Lighthouse object / Paper, lamp

Route planner with rose and birch branch

Part of the herbarium
Pencil sketch / Wild orchid
Pencil sketch / Young tree
Pencil sketch / Outlook

Ich gehe in meinen Garten
TIMELINE installation
Install view:
TESTLAUF – Der Künstler als moderner Nomade und Forscher / 25. anniversary Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen / Gallery F6 / Künstlerdorf Schöppingen / 11.9.–11.10.2014
Face to face Schöppingen – Jena

Time line frottage on the wall
Path installation on the floor / OSB board modules

Showcase gallery F6
Installation with curtain
Slide projection / Breathing

Walk and posting work in progress

Time line with posts from the road
Texts / Photographs / Drawings

Ich gehe in meinen Garten
TIMELINE installation
Install view:
Ich gehe in meinen Garten / Glass house in PARADISE park / Jena / 1.9.–11.10.2014
Face to face Jena – Schöppingen

Time line with tape on the window
Path installation on the floor / OSB board modules
Installation with curtain / Slide projection

Walk and posting work in progress

Time line with posts from the road
Texts / Photographs / Drawings
Photography: Torsten Treff, Andrea Freiberg
Ich gehe in meinen Garten
Work in progress
Video, 24.34 minutes